
Saturday, January 10, 2009

Oh Happy Day!

Hello to all.

Things are much better around here, still hectic, but better. Not getting alot of sleep, but who expects to with a newborn, right? Noah has been much better to us. He will kiss Andrew and still doesn't really like him too much, BUT...at least he is nicer to me. The best part is, he'll let me hold him now and love on him. He had stopped letting me do that. He has turned into a major mama's boy though. I can't get out of his sight. But at least I think he now realizes we love him just as much as we do Andrew.

My mom left this morning after staying a few days helping me. I sure hated to see her go. She is so wonderful and was so much help. Noah loves her too. She is so good with him. I wish we lived closer to them so we could see them alot more. Time is too precious and they grow so fast.
Hope all is well with each of you. I have lots of new pictures, just no time to resize them to put them on here lately. Will post alot whenever I do get some time.

Love you all,


Jenn said...

Such relief! I bet you can't wait for the day when they're playing with trucks TOGETHER in the middle of the living room floor!

Angela said...

I'm glad to hear that things are getting better. Christopher is loving staying at home but I worry how he will react to Sammy after having me all to himself. I hope you have a great day and get rest when you can.

Angela said...

My BP was 165/104 and I am or was 2 centimeters dialated. They sent me to Labor and Delivery to run tests. Once I had been there for what seemed like forever my BP stablized at 135/84. There were no signs of toximea so they sent me home. In a way I was glad thet way we don't have to postpone the adoption but I would have liked to have gotten baby Sammy here also. Oh well. Plus my DR. is going out of town for two weeks.

Stephanie @ dirtandlace.com said...

We had our 2nd daughter when our first was 11 mths & 2 weeks old. My mom was a HUGE help the first few weeks, I hated to see her go as well. It was nice to just be a family of four though and do everything on our own. Having two so close together is so fun. Congratulations!